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Things we should pay attention to about diet and activities of doggies after delivery


Dogs are very weak and feeble after delivery so they would not eat immediately. At this moment, the owner should provide adequate warm and clean drinking water for dogs. Dogs will have appetite half a day later. Now we are going to discuss what should be done to help dogs recover from delivery. 

Diet of doggies after child-birth

At the beginning, feed the dogs with digestible food like meat soup, porridge, milk and so on many times but with little amount each time. Postpartum dogs not only need nutrition themselves, but also need to guarantee the milk secretion. So keep a relatively high level of food amount, nutrition density, etc. is necessary. Gudeng goat milk powder is recommended because it can not only supply adequate nutrition, but also can promote the secretion of milk. 

Normally, feed the dog 3 to 4 times every day. Except for increasing of concentrated food and vegetables, the owners should also feed some meat, liver, meat soup, eggs and milk. For dogs that don’t have enough milk, owners can feed them with soup stewed with pig feet and ricepaperplant pith or fresh fish soup (carp soup). When making fodder, the owner should ensure the energy of 16.72KJ and pay attention to keep the proportion of calcium and phosphorus at 1.13:1~1.2:1. Supplement of calcium is also very important. The owner should feed them with some Gu Denggao calcium tablets in case that calcium deficiency would occur after delivery.  

Dogs’ activities after delivery

Take the dogs out in warm weather, not windy or rainy weather. Walking should be the main outdoor activities. Walk the dog three times a day for half an hour and gradually increase to one hour each time. It’s good for doggies’ health and can prevent diseases. 

Meanwhile, you can clean doggies’ delivery room, such as replace the bedding materials, sterilize the obstetric bed while they are outside. You should wipe the mother’s breast with 0.1% potassium permanganate water and coat with soft brush. Keep the delivery room quiet to make sure that the doggies can breast-feed cozily and have a good rest. 

This article is from Goumin Website  information.